Active vulnerability management has become a top priority for managed service providers ( MSPs ) and IT teams as the cybersecurity landscape continues to change. Current trends suggest that organizations give more importance to having more frequent IT security vulnerability assessments to find and fix flaws.
Staying up to date on these trends can assist MSPs and IT teams stay one step ahead of possible cyber-risks. This brand-new era of digital issues is explored in the . The evidence is abundant: Businesses are relying more on risk assessments and have plans to promote these investments in 2025.
Businesses are releasing risk assessments more frequently.
In 2024, 24 % of respondents said they conduct risk assessments more than four times per year, up from 15 % in 2023. This change highlights a growing awareness of the need for prompt response and constant monitoring of emerging hazards. Biannual assessments are becoming less prevalent, with 29 % of organizations conducting them dropping from 29 % to 18 %. A tendency toward more numerous vulnerability assessments indicates a collective shift toward a more secure security posture.
How often does your institution run its activities?
IT safety risk evaluations?
More than four days per year, one-quarter of responders conduct risk assessments. |
Depending on a number of factors, including the level of risk in your culture and compliance requirements, how frequently if you conduct vulnerability scans?
- High-risk areas, such as public-facing programs and critical equipment, does require daily or weekly imaging. Less crucial devices may be scanned quarterly or annually.
- Some compliance standards, such as the Payment Card Industry (PC I DSS), mandate risk images at least once every three months.
- Significant changes to facilities, such as fresh cloud accounts, system changes or huge structural changes to web applications, does require more frequent scans.
Ongoing checking is becoming more and more popular because it allows for 24/7 IT environment monitoring. It can also help reduce the time to find and fix risks.
It’s important to take into account the rate of technology and the need to close security gaps before hackers can utilize them when choosing a frailty scanning frequency.
Citizens are the main cause of security issues.
User-related safety issues are a major issue for IT professionals. Organizations reporting a root cause of a lack of end-user or cybersecurity training increased from 28 % in 2023 to 44 % in 2024. Additionally, nearly half of respondents identified poor user practices or gullibility as a major problem, tripling from 15 % to 45 %.
In many ways, bad customer behavior can lead to security flaws. After compromising a person’s login credentials, scammers can gain unauthorized access to an organization’s network.
This contributes to anywhere from 60 % to almost 80 % of cybersecurity breaches.
Users are a key element in security challenges, according to IT professionals, making it even more crucial for organizations to take proactive measures like risk assessments and training to shut security gaps and reduce risks in order to reduce human-centered trouble.
What are your top three security issues ‘ main causes?
One of the biggest reasons of security challenges was identified by nearly 9 out of 10 respondents as a lack of training or poor user behavior. |
Risk management is a top concern for investment in cybersecurity.
As security age degrees off for some businesses, there’s an increased focus on proactive security measures. The rate of investment in vulnerability assessment increased from 13 % in 2023 to 26 % in 2024. This trend coincides with rising investments in network security ( 26 % ), automated pentesting ( 27 % ), and cloud security ( 33 % ), highlighting the urgent need to quickly identify and fix vulnerabilities in a fast-changing threat landscape.
Which of the following security purchases do you anticipate making in the upcoming year?
The selection for security investment shortlist for 2025 includes a vulnerability assessment. |
Risk assessments are essential to reducing affair costs.
Businesses are beginning to realize the value of their security expenditures, with a projected reduction in security incidents in 2024. Viable steps like risk assessments can significantly lower event costs and improve cybersecurity resilience.
With VulScan, Quick and Effective Vulnerability Management
is a complete tool that emphasizes internal and external threats in the sites you manage. For efficient risk management, it makes arranging scans and results simpler. Vital vulnerabilities must be identified quickly before they can be exploited, thanks to logical dashboards and reports. Also, it’s simple and quick to set up unlimited network scanners and access scan results from the web management portal.
VulScan Features:
- Regional and isolated inner vulnerability management
- Regional and managed external vulnerability testing
- Multi-tenant control screen
- Risk sounds management
- Automatic support ticket development
- Ability to test by Internet address, website name or hostname
Learn more about VulScan now.